This note name is...
What is G?
The name and value is...
This symbol is...
What is a treble clef?
This instrument belongs to...
What is the brass family?
Solve this equation...
What is 7?
This note name is...
What is E?
The name and value is...
What is a half note worth 2 beats?
This symbol is...
What is a sharp?
This instrument belongs to...
What is the string family?
Solve this equation...
What is 5?
This note name is...
What is B?
The name and value is...
What is a whole note worth 4 beats?
This symbol is...
What is a flat?
This instrument belongs to...
What is the keyboard family?
Solve this equation...
What is 8?
This note name is...
What is C#?
The name and value is...
What is a quarter rest worth one beat?
This symbol is...
What is piano?
This instrument belongs to...
What is the woodwind family?
Solve this equation...
What is a half note (or 2 beats)?
This note name is...
What is Gb?
The name and value is...
What is an eighth note worth 1/2 a beat?
This symbol is...
This instrument belongs to...
What is the percussion family?
Solve this equation...
What is an eighth note (or half a beat)?