What is the note name?
What does the word Tempo mean in music?
The word we use to describe the speed of music.
Clap the following rhythm:
1 2 3-4
How many fingers do we put down to play the note G on the recorder? Bonus point: What hole in the back should you cover as well?
The first three fingers on the top part of the recorder (with your left hand!).
2 beats
What is the note name?
What does the word Dynamic mean in music?
The word we use in music to describe how loud or soft to play or sing certain parts in a song.
Clap this rhythm
1 2 & 3-4
How many fingers do we put down to play the note B on the recorder? Bonus point: What hole in the back should you cover as well?
The first finger on the top part of the recorder (with your left hand!) and Bonus point: your thumb on the back part of the recroder (left hand!)
4 beats
What is the note name?
What does a breath mark mean in music?
To take a short breath/slight pause in playing/singing a song.
Which food matches this rhythm?
A. Banana B. Apple C. Strawberry D. Pumpkin
How many fingers do we put down to play the note A on the recorder?
Two fingers on the top part of the recorder (with your left hand!)
How many beats are there total if you add:
Whole note plus half note plus quarter note plus two eighth notes?
8 beats
What is the note name?
How many beats are in a 4/4 time signature.
There are 4 beats per measure.
Which rhythm would fit for the word: Watermelon?
A. B. C.
What is the top part of the recorder called?
Mouth piece
How many beats in all does a whole note plus a whole note equal?
8 beats
What is the note name?
What is Steady Beat?
The steady pulse that occurs in a song, chant, and rhymes. It is the part that makes you want to tap your toes, clap your hands, or jump up and dance.
Notate and clap the rhythm:
Avocado Toast
What are the holes called on the recorder called?
Tone Holes
How many beats are you left with if you subtracted a half note from a whole note?
2 beats