This note value gets 4 beats of sound.
What is a whole note?
Name all the rests that have been covered so far.
What are whole rests, half rests, and quarter rests?
This symbol looks like a fraction.
What is a time signature?
This has 5 lines and 4 spaces.
What is a staff?
These syllables are used to count beats of sound.
What is “ON, OO, EE, and OR”?
2 of these notes equal to 1 whole note.
What are 2 half notes?
This symbol looks like an upside down top hat.
What is a whole rest?
This clef circles the G line and is also known as the G clef.
What is a Treble clef?
Two of these make the space in between this. Also known as…
What are bar lines and what is a measure?
V V V V are used to count these notes.
What are 4 quarter notes?
4 of these notes equal to one whole note.
What are 4 quarter notes?
This symbol looks like a Z and a C.
What is a quarter rest?
This clef has two dots that go on top and below the F line.
What is a Bass Clef?
Two of these mark the ending of the music. However when given two dots, we are told to play it again.
What is a double bar line? What is a repeat sign?
W and W are used to count two half notes. These two big numbers are used to count them.
What are big 1 and big 3?
These syllables are used to count beats.
What is ON, OO, EE, and OR?
4 of these equal 4 beats of silence.
What are 4 quarter rests?
These symbols raise and lower the pitch. The other symbol cancels it out.
What are Accidentals?
There’s 7 of these. It’s letters are A-G.
What is the Music Alphabet?
Big 1 and big 2 are used for this note. Big 3 little 4 is used for this note.
What are 2 quarter notes and 1 half note?
2 of these each get one beat of sound and 1 of these gets 2 beats of sound.
What are 2 quarter notes and 1 half note?
If the top hat symbol is in the measure, the following number of rests need to be in the measure.
What are 2 quarter rests?
There are 4 beats per measure, but this number tells us that the quarter note gets the beat.
What is the bottom number?
You are being told to play a C note above and below the staff. This symbol is used to notate this type of note.
What are ledger lines?
Organization of sounds and silence
What is music?