How many beats does a quarter note get in 4/4 time?
1 beat.
How many beats are in each measure of 3/4 time?
3 beats per measure.
Do slurs connect the same or different pitches?
Different pitches.
What is the Italian musical term for “soft”?
What is the name of the set of five lines where music is written?
What is the total beat value of a dotted half not in 3/4 time?
3 beats.
What kind of note gets the beat in 6/8 time?
The eighth note.
A tie connects how many notes?
Two notes of the same pitch.
What does “legato” mean?
Smooth and connected.
What note is on the second line of the treble clef?
A whole note gets how many beats in 2/4 time?
4 beats, but only fits accross two measures.
What is the top number in a time signature used to show?
The number of beats per measure.
What does a slur indicate about how notes should be played or sung?
What is the term for gradually getting louder?
What does a sharp (#) do to a note?
Raises it by a half step.
What happens to a note when you add a dot?
It increases by half of its original value.
In 2/2 time, what note gets the beat?
The half note.
In wind instruments, how should slurred notes be played?
Only the 1st note is tongued; the rest are connected.
What do we call the high, middle, and low parts in a choir?
Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass – SATB.
In solfege, what syllable comes after “Do, Re, Mi”?
4 beats. (1+1+2)
If the peice is in 5/4 time, how many beats are in a measure? And which choir song uses this?
5 beats. (Hosannah Deo)
What is the difference between a tie and a slur in terms of rhythm?
A tie combines the note values; a slur does not affect rhythm, only articulation.
What is the proper singing technique for breath control called?
Diaphragmatic breathing; Singing from your diaphragm.
What is the term for the speed of the music?