What is the name of this note? ♩
Quarter Note
What dynamic marking means "loud"?
What is Forte
What family does the flute belong to?
What is Woodwinds
What is do
Which song is from the movie "The greatest Showman?"
What is "A million Dreams"
What is the name of this note? ♫
What is Eighth Note
What dynamic marking means "soft"?
What is Piano
What instrument does Mr. Jensen play the most?
What is Trumpet
Which note comes after Re?
What is Fa
Which song did the Gorilla sing in Sing 2?
What is "I'm Still Standing"
How many beats does this note get? o
What is 4 beats
What does "fortissimo" mean in music terms?
What is Very Loud?
Which is the only instrument to use a slide over buttons, keys, or valves?
What is the 7th note in our solfege scale?
What is Ti
What is the name of the song we will all sing together with all Choir members?
What is "Why We Sing"
What phrase do we use to remember the notes on the Staff?
What is "Every Good Boy Deserves Fudge"
What dynamic marking means "very soft"?
What is Pianissimo
What family is the "piano" in?
What is Percussion
What does the hand symbol look like for Do?
What is a closed fist
What is the Date of All City Choir?
When is May 1st, 2025?
What is the name of this note? ♬♬
What is Sixteenth Note
In music, what does "Crescendo" mean?
Gradually getting louder
Which family of instruments do we not play in band, at all?
What is Strings Family
If we are singing in a minor key, which notes change?
What is Mi, La and Ti to Me Le and Te
On the lyrics "I'm still standing, yeah yeah yeah" we are not singing the notes that most people usually do. Ours are lower. What is this called when we sing different notes than the melody?
What is Harmony?