How many beats is a quarter note plus a half note?
What is this symbol called?
Treble Clef
Name this note:
Quarter Note
I can show you the world...shining shimmering splendid
A whole new world
Name any string instrument
Guitar, Ukulele, violin, viola, cello, bass, harp, lyre, banjo
How many beats is a whole rest plus a quarter rest?
What are the letter names for the 5 line notes?
Name this note:
Half Note
The seaweed is always greener, in somebody else's lake. You dream about going up there, but that is a big mistake.
Under the Sea
Name any percussion instrument
Drum, maraca, tambourine, xylophone, metallophone, glockenspiel, egg shaker, rhythm stick, clave
How many beats is a quarter note plus a dotted quarter note?
What word do the space notes spell?
Name this note:
Dotted Half Note
I've been staring at the edge of the water, long as I can rememer, never really knowing why...
How far I'll go
Name a brass instrument
Trumpet, trombone, tuba, french horn
How many beats is a whole note plus a half note plus a quarter rest?
What is the silly saying you can use to remember the 5 line notes?
Every Good Boy Does Fine
Name this note:
Whole note
There goes the baker with his tray like always, the same old bread and rolls to sell... every morning just the same, since the morning that we came to this poor provincial town good morning....
Name a woodwind instrument
Clarinet, oboe, flute, piccolo, saxophone, bassoon, recorder
How many beats is a half rest plus a dotted half note plus a set of 8th notes?
Do high pitch or low pitch notes read notes on the treble staff?
High pitch
Name this note:
8th notes
Come on let's go and play...I never see you anymore, come out the door, it's like you've gone away!
Do you want to build a snowman?
Name Ms. Lance's FAVORITE instrument! (Hint: she has played this instrument for a very long time)