What do dynamics describe?
What does it mean when there is a slur above notes?
Bonus: Demonstrate what it sounds like to play when there is a slur written in your music
To connect the notes without tounging them
A high-pitched woodwind instrument made of metal. It doesn’t use a reed; instead, air is blown across a hole
Bonus: Identify someone in the room who plays that instrument
What does tempo refer to?
How fast or slow you play the music.
When you are in 4/4 time what does the top 4 mean?
There are 4 beats in a measure
In terms of dynamics what does piano mean?
Bonus: Demonstrate what it sounds like to play the dynamic piano
To play softly
What does it mean when there is a staccato above notes
Bonus: Demonstrate what it sounds like to play when there is a staccato written in your music
To play the notes short and seperated
A brass instrument with a slide
Bonus: Identify someone in the room who plays that instrument
What does allegro mean?
Bonus: Identify a time in our music where you play allegro
Play quickly or fast
When you are in 4/4 time what does the bottom 4 mean?
The quarter note gets the beat
What does the term Crescendo mean?
Bonus: Demonstrate what it sounds like to play a crescendo
Start soft and gradually get louder
In terms of music what does an accent tell you to do?
Bonus: Demonstrate what it sounds like to play when there is a accent written in your music
Give the note extra emphisis.
A brass-bodied woodwind with a single reed often used in jazz bands
Bonus: Identify someone in the room who plays that instrument
What does Adagio Mean?
Bonus: Identify a time in our music where you play Adagio
Play slow
Name 2 clefs
Bonus: Name an instrument that plays in each of those clefs
ex. Bass, tenor, alto, treble
What does the term Decrecendo mean?
Bonus: Demonstrate what it sounds like to play a decrescendo
Start loud and gradually get softer
What does it mean when two pitches are tied together?
Bonus: Demonstrate what it sounds like to play when there are two pitches that are tie and two pitches that are not.
You hold the pitch for the full durration of both notes
A large drum that produces a deep, booming sound
Bonus: Identify someone in the room who plays that instrument
Bass Drum
What does Moderato Mean?
Bonus: Identify a time in our music where you play moderato
Play at a moderate speed not too fast not too slow
If there are 2 flats in the key signature what 2 pitches are flat?
B and E
What does the term mezzo forte mean?
Bonus: Demonstrate what it sounds like to play the dynamic mezzo forte
To play moderatly loud
What does a fermata tell you to do?
Bonus: Identify a fermata in our music
Hold on to the pitch until the director cuts you off
Metal plates that are struck together
Bonus: Identify someone in the room who plays that instrument
Crash Cymbals
In terms of music what does Presto mean?
Bonus: Identify a time in our music where you play presto
Play very fast
If there are 2 sharps in the key signature what 2 pitches are sharp
F and C