This means soft in music.
What is "piano?"
A guitar has this many strings.
What is 6?
The names of the space notes in the Treble Clef .
What is "F-A-C-E"?
This type of note receives 1 beat of sound in 4/4 time.
What is a quarter note ?
This rest equals 2 beats of silence in 4/4 time.
What is a half rest
One quarter note plus one half note.
What is 3 beats ?
This means "loud" in music.
What is "forte?"
The tuba belongs to this instrument family.
What is brass?
The name of the line notes on the Treble Clef Staff.
What is EGBDF
This type of note receives 4 beats of sound in 4/4 time.
What is a whole note ?
This means a steady pulse
What is a beat?
One half note plus one whole note.
What is 6 beats ?
This makes music go from soft to loud.
What is "crescendo?"
The Harp belongs to this instrument family.
What is String?
This has 5 lines and 4 spaces to put notes on.
What is a staff?
This note receives 2 beats of sound in 4/4 time.
What is a half note ?
This rest gets 1/2 of a beat of silence in 4/4 time.
What is eighth rest?
One whole note divided by one half note.
What is 2 beats ?
This means to go from "loud to soft."
What is "decrescendo?"
This string instrument looks like a large violin and is played by Yo Yo Ma.
What is a cello?
These are the letters in the musical alphabet.
What is ABCDEFG ?
This note receives 3 beats of sound in 4/4 time..
What is a dotted half note ?
This rest gets 1/4 beat of silence in 4/4 time.
What is a sixteenth rest?
One dotted half note plus one half note.
What is 5 beats ?
This means "very loud."
What is "fortissimo?"
A kazoo is played by using this part of the body.
What is the mouth?
This is word means how high or low a note sounds.
What is pitch?
Two of these notes equal one beat of sound in 4/4 time.
What is an eighth note ?
This rest gets 4 beats of silence in 4/4 time.
What is a whole rest?
One whole note plus one dotted half note.
What is 7 beats ?
This means "very soft."
What is "pianissimo?"
The alto saxophone belongs to this instrument family.
What is the woodwind family ?
This is the tune of the song.
What is melody?
Four of these notes equal one beat of sound in 4/4 time.
What is sixteenth notes ?
This rest gets 1 beat of silence in 4/4 time.
What is a quarter rest?
One half note plus a quarter note, plus a whole note.
What is 7 beats ?