Taste the rainbow
"Just keep swimming"
Finding Nemo
Moves Like Jagger
Maroon 5
The 4 colours of the Medicine Wheel
What are Black, red, white and yellow?
Finger lickin' good
Kentucky Fried Chicken
"You're gonna need a bigger boat."
What is The Lego Movie?
What a Wonderful World.
Louis Armstrong
"Thank you" in Mi'kmaq
What is Wela'lin?
The Quicker Picker-Upper
"I'll be back."
The Terminator
Another One Bites the Dust
2 styles of powwow dances
What are the shawl (butterfly), grass and jingle dress dances?
It keeps going… and going… and going
I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore!
The Wizard of Oz
Watermelon Sugar
Harry Styles
3 symbols appearing on the Mi'kmaq flag
What are a cross, crescent moon, and star.
Mmm, mmm good!
Campbell's Soup
I see dead people.
The Sixth Sense
Rolling in the Deep
The title of the main set of treaties covering the Maritime provinces.
What are the Peace and Friendship Treaties?
A little is all you need
Charmin TP
"Why so serious?"
The Dark Knight
What is the Good, the Bad and the Ugly?
Counting Stars
One Republic
What are the 4 sacred medicines of the Mi'kmaq people?
Tobacco, sage, sweetgrass and cedar.