A single note worth one beat.
What is a quarter note?
Scales of F, Bb, Eb, Ab, Db, Gb and Cb.
What are scales with flats?
Another name for D#
What is Eb?
Name a composer who is female.
Anyone, who we have studied?
2 + 2
What is a whole note?
A note worth 4 beats.
What is whole note?
Key Signatures of G, D, A, E, B, F# and C#.
What are key signatures with sharps?
Another name for Ab?
What is G#?
The other name for Common Time?
What is 4/4 time?
What does the top number of a time signature tell us?
How many
If you split a whole note in half you get this.
What are two half notes?
Key of D
If a key signature has two sharps, what key is it?
Another name for Bb?
What is A#?
The word for gradually getting softer.
What is a crescendo?
1/2 + 1/2 +1
Half note
It takes four of us to make a whole note.
What are four quarter notes?
Key of G
If a key signature has one sharp, what key is it?
Another name for F#?
What is Gb?
The symbol for the dynamic "medium loud"
What is mf or mezzo forte?
4 - 2 + 4
Dotted whole note
If you had two of these, they make a quarter note.
What are two eight notes?
This scale has one flat.
What is F Major or d minor?
Another name for E#
What is F natural?
This dot marking means separated.
What is a staccato?
1 + 1/2
Dotted quarter note