This is the 5 lines and four spaces used for writing music.
What is a staff?
Notes on the staff go in what order?
Tempo means. . .
What is the speed of the beat?
Clarinet, oboe, sax
What is the woodwind family?
1 beat
What is a quarter note?
This symbol is often called a G clef.
What is the treble clef?
Saying for the spaces on the Treble Clef
Forte means....
What is loud?
Trumpet, tuba, trombone
What is the brass family?
These two rests look similar but one is upside down
What is a half rest and whole rest?
This divides the staff into measures.
What is a bar line?
Saying for the lines of the Bass Clef
Good Boys Do Fine Always
This word means the opposite of forte.
What is piano?
Guitar, viola, cello
What is the string family?
2 counts
What is a half note?
Indicates how many beats in each measure and what kind of note receives one beat.
What is a time signature?
Saying for the sapces on the bass clef
All Cows Eat Grass
What is this <
What is an Accent
Piano, cymbals, snare
What is the percussion family?
There are 16 of these in a whole note
What is a sixteenth note?
This music symbol has two lines and two dots and means to go back and do it again.
What is a repeat sign?
What is the saying for the lines on the treble clef
Every Good Boy Does Fine
Decrescendo means...
What is gradually getting softer?
Membranophones and Idiophones are in this family.
What is the percussion family?
This note gets 1 count in 6/8 time
What is an eighth note?