5 lines and four spaces creates this.
What is a staff?
I have 4 counts
What is a whole note?
This symbol combines bass and treble clef.
What is Grand Staff?
1 beat
What is a quarter note
The interval from A to B.
What is 2nd?
Divides the staff into measures
What is a bar line?
I am the most common time signature.
What is 4/4?
These symbols alter pitches by half or whole steps.
What are accidentals?
2 counts
What is a half note?
This interval contains two notes of the same pitch, in the same octave/register.
What is a unison?
Indicates how many beats in each measure and what kind of note receives one beat
What is a time signature?
Another name for the Bass Clef
What is the "F" Clef?
This symbol raises pitches by a half step.
What is a sharp?
There are 16 of these in a whole note
What is a sixteenth note?
This interval sounds like the opening to "Baby Shark" and "Jaws."
What is a minor 2nd?
What is Mr. Frongillo's dog's name?
What is Holly?
This symbol acts as an extension of the staff.
What is a ledger line.
There are this many half steps in 2 whole steps.
What is 4?
This time signature has 6 quarter notes per measure.
What is 6/4 time?
The opening interval of our 123454321 warm up.
What is a Major 2nd?
Also called a G clef
What is the treble clef?
3rd space in the treble clef
What is a "C"?
DAILY DOUBLE: The term that describes two notes that sound the same when played or sung, but spelled/written out differently.
What is an enharmonic equivalent?
These two rests look similar but one is upside down
What is a half rest and whole rest?
An octave based on f-sharp will have this as the higher note.
What is f-sharp?