This means "soft" in music.
What is "piano?"
This woodwind instrument is played by holding it sideways and blowing over the opening
What is a flute?
This has 5 lines and 4 spaces to put notes on.
What is a staff?
This type of note receives 1 beat of sound in 4/4 time.
What is a quarter note ?
This is the steady pulse of the music.
What is the beat?
One quarter note plus one half note.
What is 3 beats ?
This means "loud" in music.
What is "forte?"
This is the highest orchestral string instrument.
What the violin?
These are the letters in the musical alphabet.
What is ABCDEFG ?
This type of note receives 4 beats of sound in 4/4 time.
What is a whole note ?
This rest looks like a squiggly line.
What is a quarter rest?
One half note plus one whole note.
What is 6 beats ?
This means "very soft."
What is "pianissimo?"
This curved woodwind instrument is often featured in jazz music. It is made of metal.
What is the alto saxophone?
What is a sharp?
This note receives 2 beats of sound in 4/4 time.
What is a half note ?
This rest appears on top of the middle line of the staff.
What is a half rest?
One whole note divided by one half note.
What is 2 beats ?
This means "very loud"
What is "fortissimo"?
What is "arco"?
This symbol lowers the pitch by half a step.
What is a flat?
This note receives 3 beats of sound in 4/4 time..
What is a dotted half note ?
This adds half the value of the note it appears next to
What is a dot?
One dotted half note plus two quarter notes.
What is 5 beats ?
This means to go from soft to loud.
What is "crescendo?"
Brass instruments are played by doing this.
What is lip buzzing?
This symbol cancels out the effect of a sharp or flat and returns the pitch to its original name
What is a natural?
Two of these notes equal one beat of sound in 4/4 time.
What is an eighth note ?
This rest hangs below the 4th line of the staff.
What is a whole rest?
One dotted quarter note plus one eighth note.
What is 2 beats ?
This means to go from loud to soft.
What is "diminuendo" or "decrescendo"?
The oboe and bassoon both use this to make sound.
What is a double reed?
This is the tune of a song.
What is melody?
Four of these notes equal one beat of sound in 4/4 time.
What is sixteenth notes ?
This rest looks like a miniature 7.
What is an eighth rest?
One half note plus two quarter notes, plus a dotted half note.
What is 7 beats ?