What does R&B stand for?
Rhythm & Blues
I’ve got sunshine on a cloudy day
When it’s cold outside…
I’ve got the month of May
Hotel California, Take It Easy, Desperado
The Eagles
See the line where the
sky meets the sea, it calls me
This has 6 strings and can be acoustic, electric, or a combination
Who is known as the King of Pop?
Michael Jackson
Oh mother dear we’re not the fortunate ones, and girls they…
Wanna have fun
Lose Yourself, Rap God, My Name Is
Just stop your crying, it's
a sign of the times
This Scottish instrument is known for it’s interesting shape, with long, tall poles and cushy base.
Name all 4 of The Beatles
No, I don’t want your number
No, I don’t wanna give you mine
No, I don’t wanna meet you nowhere
Don’t want none of your time
I don’t want no scrubs
Ring of Fire, Hurt, Folsom Prison Blues
Johnny Cash
Once I was __(1 word)___ years old my daddy told me
Go get yourself a wife or you'll be lonely
This instrument is often used in dream sequences in movies, and has many, many strings.
Who, to date, has the most Grammy win’s of all time?
When the sun shines we’ll shine together told you I’ll be here forever said I’ll always be your friend took an oath I’mma stick it out to the end now that it’s raining more than ever told you we’ll still have each other you can stand
Under my umbrella
Heart Shaped Box, Smells Like Teen Spirit, Something in The Way
Now that it's raining more than ever
Know that we'll still have each other
You can stand under my umbrella
You can stand under my umbrella (ella ella ella)
True or false: a piano is also considered an percussion instrument
Baby, Sporty, Scary, Posh, and Ginger were the nicknames of which famous girl group?
The Spice Girls
And when the night falls, my lonely heart calls
Oh I wanna dance with somebody
Blank Space, Shake It Off, 22
Taylor Swift
I'll be there to save the day
Superman's got nothing on me
What is Post Malone's real name?
Austin Richard Post