This is the definition of "dynamics".
What is the loudness & softness in a song ?
This note is sliced in half below the treble clef.
What is C ?
What is a Christmas decoration made of strands of silver ?
What is tinsel ?
One half note plus a quarter note, plus a whole note.
What is 7 beats ?
This word is used to identify space notes in the G Clef .
What is "face"?
This rest receives two beats of silence.
What is a half rest ?
The number of reindeer that pull Santa's sleigh.
What is 8?
One quarter note plus one half note.
What is 3 beats ?
This is the definition of "tempo".
What is the speed of a song ?
This type of note receives 4 beats of sound.
What is a whole note ?
What is a holiday house that is edible ?
What is a gingerbread house ?
One half note plus one dotted quarter note.
What is 3 1/2 beats ?
This is the musical "fraction" found at the beginning of a song.
What is a time signature ?
This note receives 2 beats of sound.
What is a half note ?
What is an animated movie that is about a train carrying children to the North Pole ?
What is "The Polar Express" ?
One whole note minus one half note.
What is 2 beats ?
This is the number of lines on a musical staff.
What is 5 ?
This note receives 3 beats of sound.
What is a dotted half note ?
Name two famous snowmen: one wears a top hat, the other hangs out with Sven & Anna.
Who are Frosty & Olaf ?
One dotted half note plus one half note.
What is 5 beats ?
This is the single letter that represents playing softly.
What is "P" ?
Two half notes equal this many beats
What is 4 beats ?
Who are Comet & Cupid?
One whole note plus one dotted half note.
What is 7 beats ?