This is what we call when there is silence (no playing) in music.
What is a rest?
Tap on your desk: a quarter note, quarter rest, quarter note.
What is "ta", rest, "ta"?
Tap on your desk: a quarter note, half rest, two eighth notes.
What is "ta", rest, rest, "ti-ti"?
Tap on your desk: a half note, whole rest, eighth note, quarter note.
What is "ta-a", rest, rest, rest, rest, "ti", "ta"?
An eighth note or an eighth rest get this many beats.
What is a half of a beat?
Tap on your desk: two eighth notes, a half rest, a quarter note, a whole note.
What is "ti-ti", rest, rest, "ta", "ta-a-a-a"?
Two of these notes will be connected with a bar on top.
What are eighth notes?
Tap on your desk: a whole note, a quarter rest, two eighth notes, a quarter note, an eighth rest, and half note.
What is "ta-a-a-a", rest, "ti-ti", "ta", rest for half, "ta-a"?