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A very popular young singer who is more often whispering than singing and, according to her biggest hit, she has a very doubtful taste in guys and a bad character.

Billie Elish 


You don't have to go to the Moon to dance like this guy 

Michael Jackson


These musicians think that their fans have good fantasy and love huge flying reptiles.

Imagine Dragons 


This dance was "born" in Argentina, in poor districts and was danced by men only at the begining. Long time it was concidered to be very scandalous. In 40's music under which this dance is perfomed became popular all over the world. Now this dance is a part of latino ballroom dancing. To play music for this dance you need a whole little orchestra. 



To get this genre think about a word that means “journey” and add the second word that means “to jump on one foot”. Or just listen to Massive Attack.



First part of her name sounds like a name of ginger-headed guy with a guitar who is in love with a shape of his girlfriend, the second sound similar to the name of a character of a popular yet forbidden to be named in our country Japanese cartoon where you can see lots of red apples



If he had been born in Harry Potter Universe he would have been one of the Weasely

Ed Sheeran


It takes you a very limited time to get to this planet 

30 seconds to Mars


This song is the most popular one in the world. Even people who don't speak English know it. Each person could sing it at least several times a year, but it will be sang to him/her only once a year. 

Happy Birthday


Some people say that this music is played by very good people who feel such a bad pain inside their souls. It also sends us to a fith colour of a rainbow. 



First word of her stage name could make you think that she is a noble person, but the second word brings as to the village where the geese shouting at you.

Lady Gaga


His name starts at midnight on Friday and finishes on Monday

The Week-end


Name of this band is mirror-like: last two letters reflect first two letters. One of their songs is played every New Year season all around the place.



An iconic song that could be heard during hockey games. It tells you a story of a men from his very young age to his last years. Easily perfomed without any musical instruments. Name the song.

We will rock you 


The leading role in this genre, which came from a beautiful sunny island, is played by string instruments, such as guitars. They are followed by percussions. Wind may be added. This music is known to be chiiling and relaxing, but it could express a great deal of protest. 



She is blond, ambitious, has a scandalous reputation, became famous in 80's. But her name makes you think about Rennesanse painters and beautiful women holding babies.



 A “king of tongue-twisters”, who is, in one of his songs, politely asking someone to stand up.



According to the name of this band, you can think that either they have a very toxic relationship or they just love chemistry a lot.

My Chemical Romance


If you can remember what Icelandic nature is famous for, you will easily guess where in 2016 the American band Deftones gave their small accoustic concert for only 20 people.

Inside a volcano 



Bad luck! You have to miss your turn)))


One of these ladies is the icon for the millennial generation. Another one is uber-popular with Generation Z. Names of these two singers, if you spell them, sound very different. But if you just say them, there will be just one sound difference. Name both

Rihanna/Ariana Grande


Take a name of an ancient British wizard, that came from legends about knights, combine it with a surname of famous psycho whose name was Charles. And you will get a very freakish and scary, yet, legendary, musician.

Marilyn Manson 


Name of this group is made of two words. First refers to a war and violence, second is the symbol of England. Both in plural. They are joined by a conjunction that we use very often to combine words and phrases in our speech.



Some rock or pop bands have incredibly loyal girls-fans, who follow their favourite artists in their tours, from one city to another. To get the name of such a girl you should remember a Russian word that defines a bunch of people playing together and add suffix that we use in English to form nouns, mostly – informal. E.g. Self + ^ = a photo of yourself. Smooth + ^ = a drink of milk, ice-cream, fruit, etc.



Two completely opposite, from the first sight, words make this genre. It's very theatrical. The first word is assosiated with something girlish, shiny, beautiful. Girls sometimes put it on their faces. The second is a genre of musoc opposite to pop. David Bowie, Freddy Mercury, Kiss were the representatives of this genre. 

Glam Rock (Glitter Rock) 
