I am part of the String Family and am played by Angels
The Harp
What is a Chord?
3 Notes played at the same time
How many beats is in a quarter note (ta)
the quietest sound
I am part of two Instrument Families
What is the Saying for the lines of a treble clef?
Every Good Boy Deserves Fudge Always
What instruments did we practice major and minor chords on?
How many beats is in a eighth note (titi)
Term for gradually get louder
What do you have to do to an instrument for it to be considered a percussion instrument?
Hit, drum, scratch, or shake the instrument.
What note is the third line of the treble clef?
1. What is a Major chord? 2. What is a Minor Chord?
1. A happy sound. 2. A sad or eerie sound.
True or false a 100th rest is a note
What is forte?
What are the 4 Instrument families?
Woodwind, Brass, Percussion, String.
What note is the 4th space of the treble clef?
What song did we play that was played in a minor key?
The Wellerman
If a titi is an eighth note what is a tika-tika
16th note
True or false it is easier to play piano than forte
What instrument in the Brass family has the greatest pitch range?
The French Horn
What is the note one under the bottom line of the Treble Clef?
What instruments could you play a chord on?
Piano, guitar, ukulele, Harp, Xylohpone.
Clap ta rest titi tikatika correctly
Correct or not correct clapping?
Where are dynamic symbols located on sheet music?
Under the Staff