This note is worth 2 beats.
What is a half note?
This rest is worth 1 beat.
What is a quarter rest?
The note E is on this line on the treble clef.
What is the first line?
This is another word for playing softly.
What is piano?
The note F is on this space in the treble clef.
What is the first space?
This note is worth 1 beat.
What is a quarter note?
This rest is worth 2 beats.
What is a half rest?
The note G is on this line on the treble clef.
What is the second line?
This is another word for playing loudly.
What is forte?
The note A is on this line of the treble clef.
What is the second space?
This note is worth 4 beats.
What is a whole note?
This rest is worth 4 beats.
What is a whole rest?
The note B is on this line on the bass clef.
What is the second line?
This is another word for playing very softly.
What is pianissimo?
The note E is on this space of the treble clef.
What is the fourth space?
This note is worth 1/2 of a beat.
This rest is worth 1/2 of a beat.
What is an eighth rest?
The note D is on this line on the bass clef.
What is the third line?
This is the action of changing from one dynamic level to a softer dynamic level.
What is a decrescendo?
The note A is on this space for the bass clef.
What is the first space?
This is note is worth 1/4 of a beat.
What is a sixteenth note?
This rest is worth 1/4 of a beat.
What is a sixteenth rest?
The note F is on this line on the bass clef.
What is the fourth line?
This is the action of changing from one dynamic to a louder dynamic level?
What is a crescendo?
The note E is on this space in the bass clef.
What is the third space?