Who (according to myth) wrote all Gregorian Chant?
Pope Gregory
What kind of cadence has V moving to I?
Authentic Cadence
What insect is typically found in the basement of humanities?
Who is the recital hall in HMC named after?
Paul Collins
Where are Dr. Farah and Dr. Sans from? (2 places)
Brazil and Spain
Who was apart of the class of 1810?
Schumann, Chopin, Mendelssohn, Berlioz, Liszt
Which species of counterpoint do you learn in first year theory with Brian Hyer?
First, Second, and Fourth
Where is Clap 4 Credit?
Mills Concert Hall
How many entrances to HMC are there?
5 entrances
What are the 4 main directors full names? (both choral and instrumental)
Oriol Sans, Scott Teeple, Corey Pompey, Mariana Farah
Which composer is most associated with seconda practicca?
Claudio Monteverdi
What new vocal technique did Arnold Schoenberg use in Pierrot Luniare?
What floor is the key desk on?
First floor
Which hall is the percussion storage room attached to?
Lee Kaufmann
Who is the professor of the Afro-Cuban Jazz Ensemble?
Nick Moran
What are the 8 modes? (authentic and plagal)
Dorian, Hypodorian, Phrygian, Hypophrygian, Lydian, Hypolydian, Mixolydian, Hypomixolydian
What are the 4 types of row forms used in twelve tone technique?
Prime, Retrograde, Inversion, Retrograde Inversion
What is the top floor the West elevator goes up to?
Floor 5
How many people can the Mead Witter Concert Hall seat?
661 people
Blasius and Crook
Which 20th Century composer's music is characterized by incredible conciseness or compression?
Anton Webern
If a melodic fragment repeats (multiple times, can be transposed), what musical technique is that?
Who is the facilities manager?
Brian Heller
What are the colors in the HMC based off of?
Maple Leaf/Autumn
Who is a member of the voice faculty that does not have a studio?
David Ronis