The smallest unit for form
What is ...
motive (also spelled "motif")
Term: [ ? ]
Sign: f
Meaning: loud
What is...
The four properties of a single isolated musical sound
What is...
Pitch, Duration, Volume, and Timbre
ABACABA is an example of what kind of form?
What is...
Name at least one family of instruments in the Western orchestral
What is...
Stringed instruments / Woodwinds / Brass / Percussion / Keyboards
The primary way that tension is created
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harmonic dissonance
Term: piano
Sign: [ ? ]
Meaning: quiet
What is...
Pitch is
highness or lowness of a sound
What kind of note has a solid black oval note head and a stem?
What is...
quarter note
The classification of the family of stringed instruments
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A melodic or rhythmic motive that is repeated many times in immediate succession
Term: [ ? ]
Sign: [ ? ]
Meaning: very loud
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The distance (or interval) between "A" and the next higher or lower "A"
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You are in the key of C major but you hear a c minor triad. This is an example of
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modal mixture
The Percussion family has 2 classifications which are
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Membranophones & IdiophonesA cohesive musical thought
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Term: pianissimo
Sign: [ ? ]
Meaning: very quietly
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On a keyboard moving from right to left is called moving "down", moving from left to right is called
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moving "up"
Which instrument has a strong fundamental, first and third partial resulting in a pitch that sounds very much like a pure sine wave?
What is...
An instrument that starts with an s from one of the families classified as Aerophones
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Occurs at the end of most phrases, themes, larger sections, and entire pieces of music
What is...
Term: [ ? ]
Sign: fff
Meaning: [ ? ]
What is...
as loudly as possible
Music notation uses a five-line
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What is the term used for moving a melody from one key into another key?
What is...
Name at least 3 instruments from the Keyboard family
What is...
Piano / Harpsichord / Organ / Celesta