This is the name of this music note and the number of beats it is equal to in 4/4.
What is a whole note and it is equal to four beats?
A common acronym for the lines in treble clef.
Every Good Boy Deserves Fudge
This Rest.
What is a quarter rest?
What is Eb Major?
The key signature that doesn't have any sharps or flats
What is C major.
This is the name of these notes and how many beats they are equal to in 4/4.
What are eighth notes and one beat?
This note is on the fourth space of the treble clef staff
What is a E?
What is a sharp?
This is the name of this musical symbol
What is a whole rest?
What is A Major?
The full-size keyboard has this many keys.
88 keys
This is the name of this note and the number of beats it is equal to in 3/4.
What is a quarter note and one beat?
This note is on the third line of the treble clef.
What is B?
What is a repeat sign?
Describe how dots work in rhythm.
A dot makes the note longer. Take the original value + half of itself.
What is F Major?
Where was Mozart born?
How many quarter notes fit in a 3/4 measure?
This word spells out the spaces on a Treble Clef staff.
What is FACE?
What is a double sharp?
The number of quarter notes in a half note.
What is two?
What is G Major?
What language is Bist du bei mir?
The number of quarter notes in a whole note.
What is 4?
This is the name of the whole note shown on the Treble Clef staff
What is C?
What letter means to sing or play quietly?
This is the name of this musical symbol AND the number of beats it is equal to.
What is a half rest? It takes up two beats of silence
What is D Major?
Where was Bob Chilcott born?