What is this note? and How many Beats is it worth?
whole note; 4 beats
The phrase we use to help us remember line notes on the Treble Clef.
What is Every Good Boy Deserves Fudge.
In 4/4 time, a whole note takes up how much space inside of a measure?
The whole Measure.
This Rest.
What is a quarter rest?
This signifies the end of a song?
Double bar Line
How many valves does a modern trumpet have?
What is the name of this note? How many beats does it get? (Count how many there are)
What are eighth notes and 1/2 beat each (1 beat total)
This note is on the fourth space of the treble clef staff
What is a E?
This is the name of this musical symbol
What is a whole rest?
This tells us how many beats are per measure and what note get the beat.
Time Signature
How do you change the notes on a trombone?
By using the slide
what is the name of this note and the number of beats it is equal to?
What is a quarter note and one beat?
This note is on the third line of the treble clef.
What is B?
If we are in 2/4 time, can I add a whole note to my measure? Why or Why Not?
No, because it has too many beats in order to fit.
Describe the difference between a half rest and a whole rest in how they look.
What is the half rest looks like a hat and the whole rest looks like a whole in the road.
*Does not need to be verbatim.
This shows us that we are silent on this beat.
A rest.
What note is 2 beats long?
Half Note
This word spells out the spaces on a Treble Clef staff.
What is FACE?
In 4/4 time, will I be able to add:
Quarter+Quarter+eighth+eighth+half into my measure? Explain your answer.
No, Because there are only 4 beats and that is worth 5 beats.
What is this symbol?
What is an eighth rest.
This separates each measure.
What is the device that keeps tempo called?
How many beats do you have when you add up:
9 beats
This is the name of the whole note shown on the Treble Clef staff
What is C?
In 6/8 time, how many beats are in each measure?
This is the name of this musical symbol AND the number of beats it is equal to.
What is a half rest?
This is the space between two bar lines
What is a measure?
Mrs. Walls played this instrument in the high school band.
What is the flute?