Ab is enharmonic to this note.
What is G♯?
Daily Double!! Total number of gifts received in “The Twelve Days of Christmas” song.
What is 364?
A V or V7 moving to a I in root position where the soprano is on the root of the I chord.
What is a perfect authentic cadence?
Moves one step up or down then returns back to the original pitch.
What is a neighbor tone?
Interval of going from a C to an F
What is a perfect fourth?
C Major: G-B-E
What is iii6?
A very fast tempo marking.
What is presto?
A cadence that ends on a V chord
What is a half cadence?
A suspended note that resolved upward
What is a retardation?
The major key signature with 4 sharps
What is E major?
B# is enharmonic to this note
What is Cb?
A marking that is a straight line over a note and means to lean on the note for its full duration.
What is a tenuto?
The V or V7 moving to a I but with an inverted chord. The soprano does not finish on the tonic.
What is an imperfect authentic cadence?
Daily Double!!! Approached by a step and left by a leap in the opposite direction
What is an escape tone?
The minor key signature with 5 sharps
What is G♯ minor?
G Major: C-F#-A
What is viio64?
The name of Justin Bieber’s 2011 Christmas album.
What is “Under the Mistletoe”?
A cadence that is expected to go to a I, but goes somewhere else instead
What is a deceptive cadence?
A chord tone that is held through several chord changes, where it may become a NCT, and then becomes a chord tone again.
What is a pedal tone?
Interval from a C to an A♭
What is a minor 6th?
Ab minor: Ab-Fb-Db
What is iv64?
Ending of a minor piece where the final chord in an authentic cadence is major.
What is a Picardy Third?
A cadence going from IV to I. aka the "Amen" cadence.
What is a plagal cadence?
A leap then left by a step in the opposite direction
What is an appoggiatura?
The minor key signature with 6 flats
What is G♭ minor?