Which key signature has no sharps or flats?
C Major
A symbol that raises a note by a half step
This note is on the top line of the bass clef staff
A curved line over a section of notes. This line means there is no separation of those specific notes.
A Slur
Which key signature has 1 sharp?
G Major
A symbol that lowers a note by a half step
This note is on the lower ledger line of the treble clef staff.
Middle C
The speed of a song
Which key signature has 2 flats?
B-Flat Major
A symbol that cancels out previous accidentals
A Natural
This note is on the top ledger line of the treble clef staff?
The tune of a song. Usually the part of a song that is sung, or hummed, or solo'd.
This symbol is shown at the end of a piece of music to let you know that the song is complete
Double bar line
Which key signature has 1 flat?
F Major
E sharp is the same as what note?
This note is on the top ledger line of the bass clef staff.
Middle C
Means to hold out a note until the conductor cuts you off.
Means to play notes "short and choppy"
Which key signature has 3 sharps?
A Major
C flat is the same as what note?
This note is 2 ledger lines below the bass clef staff.
Gradually getting louder over a certain amount of time. Usually represented by a symbol.
A technique used to help separate notes when playing a wind instrument