Dynamic that means loud
What is forte?
C to D
What is an Major 2nd?
worth 1 beat in 4/4
What is a quarter note?
The solfege in a major scale
What are do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, and ti?
Key with no sharps or flats
What is C major?
Dynamic that means soft or quiet
What is piano?
G to C
What is a Perfect 4th?
Worth 1 beat in 6/8
What is an 8th note?
The four main voice parts
What are alto, soprano, tenor, and bass?
Number of sharps in A major
What is 3?
Dynamic symbolized with ff
What is fortissimo?
F to Ab
What is a Minor 3rd?
Value of a whole rest
What is 4 beats?
The muscle that moves when the lungs fully expand
What is the diaphragm?
Key with 4 flats
What is Ab major?
Dynamic marking that means to gradually get louder
What is crescendo?
What is a Minor 6th?
Value of a dotted half note
What is 3 beats?
Solfege the minor scale starts on
What is la?
Key with 5 sharps
What is B major?
Dynamic word that means "medium"
What is mezzo?
B to F
What is a Diminished 5th?
Note worth 1.5 beats in 4/4
What is a dotted quarter note?
Ms. Naka's favorite warm up song from the slides
What is I Just Want to Sing?
Key with 6 flats
What is Gb major?