The tempo you would observe if driving a firetruck to the scene of an out of control fire.
What is Allegro? or
What is Vivace? or
What is Presto
A dot over or under a note head
What is staccato?
What is forte or f ?
A note lasting for four counts in 4/4 time.
What is a whole note?
A repeat is indicated by this symbol.
What is a double bar line and two dots?
Walking with your friends in a mall would represent this tempo.
What is Andante?
A curved line joining several different notes in one breath or bowing.
What is a slur?
Getting softer gradually would require this dynamic marking.
What is a decrescendo or diminuendo?
Two tied quarter notes in 3/4 time equal this amount of counts.
What are two counts?
A coda is found in this part of the music.
What is the end or last part o the music?
Gradually slowing in pace.
What is ritardando or rit.?
This articulation would most likely be found in a march.
What is marcato?
What is mezzo piano?
The total count of two measures in 3/4 time.
What are six counts?
D.S. signifies "dal segno" or this English translation.
What is "from the sign"?
The meaning of this Italian term is literally translated as "time."
What is tempo?
This marking would make you look to the conductor to see how "sticky" the note is.
What is tenuto?
The Italian suffix -issimo means to do this to a dyanamic marking.
What is making "more than" the dynamic marking by itself?
A dotted half note has the same value as these two tied notes.
What are a half note and a quarter note?
Da capo tells the musician to return to this part of the song.
What is the beginning?
The tempo marking for 60 BPM.
What is adagio?
This articulation mark seems to be a small decrescendo.
What is an accent?
The original name of the modern day piano.
What is pianoforte?
A compound meter equalling three counts per measure would most commonly be written in this time signature.
What is 9/8?
Two slanted parallel lines is called this.
What is a "grand pause"?