This is the name of this music note and the number of beats it is equal to
What is a whole note and it is equal to four beats?
The acronym for the lines in treble clef.
What is Every Good Burger Deserves Fries?
This the acronym for the lines in the bass clef staff.
What is Good Burgers Deserve Fries Always?
A rest worth one beat.
What is a quarter rest?
Part of the Time Signature that tells you how many beats per measure.
What is the top number?
This is the symbol to lower a note by a half step.
What is a flat?
This is the name of these notes and how many beats they are equal to
What are beamed eighth notes and one beat?
This note is on the fourth space of the treble clef staff
What is E?
This note sits on the second space of the bass clef staff.
What is C?
This is the name of this musical symbol
What is a whole rest?
There are this many beats per measure in 3/4 time.
What is three beats per measure?
This is the symbol that raises a note by half a step.
What is a sharp?
This is the name of this note and the number of beats it is equal to.
What is a quarter note and one beat?
This note is on the third line of the treble clef.
What is B?
This note is on the fourth line of the bass clef staff.
What is F?
This is the name of a rest worth two beats.
What is a half rest?
The bottom number of a time signature tells you this.
What type of rhythm gets the beat?
Two notes with the same pitch but two different names is called this
What is an enharmonic?
This is the name of this note and the number of beats it is equal to.
What is an eighth note and it is equal to 1/2 a beat?
This word spells out the spaces on a Treble Clef staff.
What is FACE?
This is the name of the note on the staff.
What is "G"?
This is the value of an eighth note in a 4/4 time signature.
What is half of a beat?
There are this many beats in a 4/4 time signature.
What is 4?
This separates the staff in to measures.
What are Bar Lines.
This is the amount of time you would play two half notes tied together.
What is four beats?
This is the name of the whole note shown on the Treble Clef staff
What is middle C?
What is the acronym for the spaces in the bass clef?
What is All Crucians Eat Guava?
This is the name of this musical symbol AND the number of beats it is equal to.
What is a half rest?
This is another name for 4/4 time signature.
What is common time?
This is the space between two bar lines
What is a measure?