This note lasts for four beats.
What is a whole note?
This is how many beats 2 whole notes is.
What is 8 beats?
This is how many lines are on a staff.
What is 5 lines?
This is the musical alphabet.
What is ABCDEFG?
What note comes after A?
What is B?
This note is half of a whole note.
This is how many beats 3 quarter notes is.
What is 3 beats?
This is the mnemonic for finding the notes that live in the spaces on a staff with a treble clef.
What is FACE or what is FACE in the SPACE?
What is treble clef?
What note comes after F?
What is G?
This note is 1/4th of a whole note.
What is a quarter note?
This is how many beats 4 half notes is.
What is 8 beats?
These are the letters for the notes names of the lines on a staff with a treble clef (starting from the bottom).
What is EGBDF?
If I had a measure with notes in this order: half note, quarter note, eighth note, eighth note....what beat does the quarter note start on?
What is beat 3?
What note is the very bottom line of a staff?
What is E?
Eight of this type of note fill up the same amount of time as a whole note.
What is an eighth note?
This is how many beats 2 eighth notes and 3 half notes is.
What is 7 beats?
This is a mnemonic for finding the note letter names for the lines of a staff with a treble clef.
What is:
Every good boy deserves fudge
Every good boy does fine
Every good bus driver farts
Every good burger deserves fries
If I had a measure with notes in this order: eighth note, eighth rest, eighth note, eighth rest, quarter note rest, quarter note....what beat does the quarter note start on?
What is beat 4?
What note is the top space of a staff?
What is E?
This note is half of an eighth note.
What is a sixteenth note?
This is how many beats 1 whole note, 1 quarter note, and 1 eighth note is.
What is 5.5 beats?
If the notes B and C are right next to each other on a staff, which note is higher?
What is C?
If I had a measure that had 3 quarter notes and 1 half many beats are in that measure?
What is 5 beats?
What note comes before A?
What is G?