The name of this note and rest
Quarter Note and Quarter Rest
The top number of a time signature tells us...
How many beats are in a measure
The key signature name
A Major
The name of the key
F Major
The name of this musical marking
The name of this note and rest.
Half note and half rest
The bottom number tells us...
What type of note receives one full beat
The name of the key
G Major
The name of the key
Bb Major
The name of this marking
The name of this note and rest
Eighth note and rest
How do you conduct a 4/4 time signature?
The name of the key signature
B Major
The name of the key
Ab Major
What is the name of this dynamic and what does it mean?
Forte = Loud
The name of this note and rest.
Whole note and whole rest.
How do you conduct a 3/4 time signature?
The name of the key signature
C# Major
The name of the key
Cb Major
The name of this dynamic and what it means
mezzo piano = medium soft
Name of this note and rest.
Dotted quarter note and dotted quarter rest.
How you conduct a 2/4 time signature?
The name of the key
C Major
The name of the key
C Major
The name of this
Repeat sign