This minor key has just has one sharp, just like G major.
What is E minor?
This symbol represents this Time Signature.
What is 2/4?
This Cadence conveys the feeling of temporary stopping.
What is a Half Cadence?
This note can hold 2 eighth notes.
What is a half note?
What is Natural Minor?
This major key has six flats like E flat minor.
What is G flat minor?
This time signature is used for waltzes.
What is 3/4?
This chord progression is IV-I in major and iv-i in minor.
What is a Pagal Cadence?
This note can hold 2 sixteenth notes and 3 eighth notes.
What is a quarter note?
This scale goes G#, A#, B, C#, D#, E, F##, G#.
What is G sharp harmonic minor?
This major key relative to F# minor.
What is A major?
A key signature that can hold on dotted quarter note a measure.
What is 3/8?
This cadence has the chord progression of V-I major key and V-i minor key.
What is an Authentic Cadence?
This note can hold 1 eighth note and 1 sixteenth notes.
What is a dotted quarter note?
This scale has two whole steps, but is has 5 steps in total.
What is Pentetonic Scale?
What is Db Major?
This time signature can hold two dotted quarter notes and three eighth notes a measure.
What is 9/8?
This cadence has the chord progression in V-vi in major and V-VI in minor.
What is a Deceptive Cadence?
This note can hold 2 eighth notes and 8 sixteenth notes.
What is a dotted half note?
This scale has 3 whole steps, 2 half steps, and one Augmented step.
What is Harmonic Minor?
The key relative to F minor.
What is A flat major?
This time signature can hold 1 dotted eighth note and three sixteenth notes.
What is 6/16?
(got to this URL)
This cadence occurs during 0:25, 0:43, 1:15, and 1:47 of this Beatles song.
What is a Deceptive Cadence?
This note can hold 4 sixteenth notes, 2 quarter notes, and a half note.
What is a dotted whole note?
This minor scale has a subdominant of G# and a supertonic D#.
What is C# natural minor?