A way to remember the note names of the spaces in treble clef.
The pattern of half steps and whole steps that comprise a major scale.
What is "W W H W W W H"?
The interval between the first soprano and alto notes of LSB 644 (The Church's One Foundation).
What is a 3rd?
The number of keys on a standard acoustic piano.
What is 88?
A woodwind instrument that typically reads music written in bass clef and uses a double reed to produce sound.
What is a bassoon?
A way to remember the note names of the spaces in bass clef.
What is "All Cows Eat Grass"?
The pattern of half steps and whole steps that comprise a minor scale.
What is "W H W W H W W"?
The interval between the first tenor and bass notes of the Agnus Dei from Divine Service Setting 3 (pg. 198).
What is a 5th?
The two pairs of white keys on the piano in between which no black key is found.
What are B and C, and E and F?
The straight horizontal bars on the neck of a guitar or ukulele.
What are frets?
A way to remember the note names of the lines in treble clef.
What is "Every Good Burger Deserves Fries"?
The name of the scale that is comprised of only half steps.
What is the chromatic scale?
The interval between the first soprano and alto notes in A Mighty Fortress is Our God (LSB 656).
What is a 6th?
The enharmonic name for "E".
What is "F-flat"?
A compositional technique in which another line of music is composed above a cantus firmus.
What is counterpoint?
A way to remember the note names of the lines in bass clef.
What is "Grizzly Bears Don't Fly Airplanes"?
The name of the scale that is comprised of only whole steps.
What is the whole tone scale?
The interval between the first soprano and alto notes of "Stricken, Smitten, and Afflicted" (LSB 451).
What is a perfect unison.
The enharmonic name for "C."
What is "B-sharp"?
What is modal?
The name of the note that appears on a ledger line between the treble and bass clef on the grand staff.
What is Middle C.
The name of the scale comprised of alternating whole and half steps.
What is the octatonic scale?
The interval between the first tenor and bass notes in "Lord, Thee I Love with All My Heart" (LSB 708).
What is a 10th?
A term for the distance between the 1st and 8th scale degree of a major or minor scale.
What is an octave?
Another name for the plagal cadence which typically appears at the end of a doxological stanza.
What is the "Amen Cadence"?