The smallest interval between 2 notes is referred to as what?
A half step.
The circle of fifths is designed to resemble what household item...
A clock.
What is the only flat key that doesn't have a flat in it's name?
F Major (one-flat).
C Major is the only key that features the absence of what?
Sharps and flats.
Treble Clef is also known as the ____ Clef.
A whole step.
Why is G# Major not key featured on the Circle of Fifths?
It includes a double-sharp.
What is the rule used to identify flat key signatures?
The second to last flat is your key.
Bass Clef is also known as the ____ Clef.
The "key note" of a scale is also referred to as what?
The tonic.
Name the phrase for memorizing the sharp keys on the circle of fifths.
Giant Dogs Always Eat Before Furry Cats.
What is the rule used to identify sharp key signatures?
One half step higher than the last sharp is the key.
What is the rule for constructing flat key signatures?
Look at the order of Flats (BEADGCF). Find your key. Go one flat past your key and use all the flats leading up to that letter/flat.
What are the phrases for remember the lines and spaces of Treble Clef?
Lines: Every Good Boy Deserves Fudge
Spaces: FACE
What is the order of whole steps and half steps that make up a major scale?
Whole - Whole - Half - Whole - Whole - Whole - Half
Name the phrase for memorizing the flat keys on the Circle of Fifths.
Five Big Elephants Are Dragging Garbage Cans.
What is the phrase used to remember the order of Sharps?
Father Charles Goes Down And Ends Battle.
What is the rule for constructing sharp key signatures?
Look at the order of Sharps (FCGDAEB). Find the sharp that is one letter before your key. Use all the sharps leading up to that letter/sharp.
What are the phrases used to remember the lines and spaces for Bass Clef?
Lines: Good Burritos Don't Fall Apart
Spaces: All Cows Eat Grass
A major scale is comprised of two of these (think whole - whole - half)...
Major Scale Tetrachords.
Name the three enharmonic keys (six total) featured on the Circle of Fifths.
Cb/B, Gb/F#, and Db/C#.
What is the phrase used to remember the order of Flats?
Battle Ends And Down Goes Charles Father.
If we read the Circle of Fifths counter-clockwise (flat keys first), the Circle is referred to as what?
The Circle of Fourths.
What is it called when we combine the treble and bass clefs together?
The Grand Staff.