A sustained note in the bass across multiple harmonic changes
What is a pedal tone?
What is the V/V in C Major?
What is D Major?
This is when a note is held over to the next harmonic change and is resolved up by step
What is a retardation?
What parallel intervals are not allowed in part writing?
5ths and octaves
Scale degree 3 is known as what?
What is mediant?
This is the shortening of note values
What is diminution?
What is the V/vi in B Major?
What is C# Major?
2 or more lines of music played at the same time
What is polyphony?
This error occurs when one voice goes above or below another voice
What is voice crossing?
This is the modal name for a minor scale
What is Aeolian?
A section of music that is repeated but at a different pitch
What is a melodic sequence?
What is the viio/iv in A Minor?
What is C# diminished?
This non-chord tone is approached by step and leaps in the opposite direction
What is an escape tone?
What note are you not allowed to double in a seventh chord?
What is the chordal 7th?
Scale degree 2 is known as what?
What is supertonic?
This is the lengthening of note values
What is augmentation?
What is the viio/vi in G# minor?
What is D# diminished?
This type of chord occurs when the bass stays the same and the upper voices move to another chord and come back
What is a Neighbor 6/4 or Pedal 6/4 chord?
You are not allowed to omit this chord tone
What is the third?
This is the modal name for a major scale
What is Ionian?
This is when the melody is flipped and played backwards
What is retrograde?
What is the V/ii in C# Major?
What is A# Major?
This type of musical piece has at least 2 entrances of a "subject" that stagger entrances to hear the subject at different times in different voices
What is a fugue?
When resolving a secondary leading tone chord (vii07/#), the chordal degrees must resolve in what way (Must explain which degrees need to resolve and how they resolve)
Chordal root - resolves up
Chordal 5th - resolves down
Chordal 7th - resolves down
This modal scale includes a flat 7th scale degree
What is Mixolydian?