It means at a walking pace
What is Andante
First space on the treble clef
What is F
What is an Enharmonic
C D E F G A B C -- No sharps or flats
What is C major scale
Major Third
It means playing things smoothly
Last space on the treble clef
What is E
It means fortissimo and it is very very loud
What is FF
One flat (B flat)
What is F major
The same note- no interval
What is Unison
It means the volume of the music will increase and then decrease
Third line on treble clef
What is B
It alters the pitch and makes it goe down one half step
What is a Flat sign
Three Flats (B, E, & A flat)
What is E Flat Major
C to G
What is perfect fifth
You will need to play short and detached
What is Staccato
First line in BASS clef
What is G
It is represented by a C and it is the same as 4/4
What is Common Time?
Major third and then another major third
What is an Augmented Triad
It is Italian for Slowing down
What is Ritardando
Last Space in BASS Clef
What is G
Its a symbol that holds the note until the conductor or artist decides to stop
What is a Fermata
Minor third and then a major third
What is a minor Triad