You're a what?
MT in History
Music and Humans
FUNKtional Domains
Counseling 101
Music Therapy is mostly concerned with these types of goal outcomes...
What is therapeutic, or non-musical
He was known as the father of western medicine...
Who is Hippocrates
Its the age our ears first begin to develop...
What is 3 weeks
Music Therapy is most often striving for outcomes that are Functional, which means this...
What is therapeutic learning that is helpful to everyday life, outside of the music therapy session...
Its the difference between Counseling and Psychotherapy...
What is counseling deals with present moment feelings and obstacles, rather than past traumas
This is an example of a musical goal one might work towards in Music Therapy
What is a musical performance
Hipprocates was first to separate Medicine from Religion. This is significant for these reasons...
-gave evidence of natural causes to illness, instead of supernatural. -established medicine as a evidence based profession -introduced effective treatment modalities
Its the age a fetus can reportedly respond to sound...
What is 19 weeks
These are 4 examples of non-musical goal areas one might address in Music Therapy treatment...
-pain management -motor skills -speech/communication -social/emotional -cognitive/memory -managing stress/fear/anxiety
These are little gestures and phrases used by a therapist to encourage a client to keep talking, stay engaged, and in the present moment...
What are Minimal Encouragers
Its the national governing body which regulates and puts forth standards of practice and ethical codes for the Music Therapy profession...
What is American Music Therapy Assoc.

It's the main difference between Endemic and Pandemic...

Endemic: exclusive to one geographic location or small population

Pandemic: spans worldwide

This part of the ear acts like a satelitte dish and collects soundwaves from the environment...
What is the Pinna

A music therapist is working with a brain injury patient on Cognition, specifically with Executive Functioning Skills.  Explain both of these terms...

Cognition: Wide range of mental processes that deal with gaining information and understanding that information.  Examples are attention, memory, problem solving, decision making...etc.

Executive Fxn: Higher Level cognition skills that help us manage daily life. Examples are planning, organizing, regulating emotion, working memory, and task initiation.

Its a key counseling concept which means having the total acceptance of another person without approval or disapproval...
What is UPR
In compliance with AMTA, all board-certified music therapists must be competent in these 4 musical areas...
What is guitar, piano, voice, percussion
This medical term means predicting the likely outcome of an illness.
What is prognosis
This part of the inner ear is responsible for converting vibrations into nerve signals which are sent to the brain for decoding...
What is the Cochlea
This type of motor skill involves finely manipulating objects with your individual fingers...
What is fine motor skills
This word means having the ability to sit with someone and share in their pain...
What is Empathy
After successful completion of an accredited MT degree program, one is able to sit for the national board exam in hope to be credentialed as MT-BC, which stands for this...
What is Board Certified Music Therapist
Prognosis is important for everyone working in the medical field for this reason(s)...
Being able to implement proven and best practices based on past research and successful outcomes that have been documented
What was significant about the research of Shihadullah and Hepper in terms of memory...
It suggested early foundations of long-term memory

You are working with someone facing terminal illness who is having difficulty expressing their anxiety and fears using conventional talk therapy. A possible Music Therapy intervention to help with this may be...

What is songwriting, lyric analysis


Its why a music therapist should avoid the phrase..."How does that song make you feel"?

It puts the responsibility of the felt emotion on the song, rather than having the client claim ownership and acceptance of their emotions. A song can't force you or make you feel anything...that has to come from within the person and their relationship to the song and surrounding life experiences
