The speed that the music should be played or the speed of music
What is tempo?
Very fast.
What is presto?
What is adagio?
A form of music in which the melody sung by one singer is echoed or responded to by others.
What is call and response?
What is Molto?
Gradually getting faster.
What is accelerando? (accel.)
Slowly, at a walking speed.
What is andante?
What is lento?
Several notes played at the same time.
What is chord?
Played in a noble manner.
What is Grandioso?
Lively and quick.
What is allegro?
At a moderate pace.
What is moderato?
Slowly and seriously.
What is grave?
A form with a main idea followed by different versions of the idea.
What is theme and variations?
Played with expression.
What is Espressivo?
Hold or pause.
What is fermata?
Majestic or dignified (slow or solemn).
What is maestoso?
Gradually getting slower.
What is rallentando? (rall.)
A form of music that alternates a main theme with variations A B A C A D A …
What is rondo?
A time signature in which the beat units are divisable by three, such as 6/8, 9/8 and 12/8
What is compound time?
As fast a tempo as possible.
What is prestissimo?
Robbed or irregular time.
What is rubato?
Becoming slower.
What is ritardando? (rit.)
Voices sing the same melody, but enter at different times
What is canon?
Sharp or flat symbols placed at the beginning of a staff line to designate which notes should be raised or lowered. The key defines the tonality of a musical piece.
What is key signature?