This type of note receives 1 beat of sound
What is a quarter note?
A Whole New World
Prince Ali
Arabian Nights
What is "Aladdin?"
What is the clarinet?
This percussion instrument is named after its shape
What is a triangle?
The gift given on the eighth day of Christmas
What are eight maids a-milking?
This type of note receives 2 beats of sound
What is a half note?
Be Prepared
Hakuna Matata
What is "The Lion King?"
What is the flute?
This brass instrument shares a name with a popular breakfast food and a way of making potatoes
What is the French horn?
Guess the title: A B C D E F G H I J K M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
This type of note receives 4 beats of sound
What is a whole note?
Part of Your World
Under the Sea
What is "The Little Mermaid?"
Peter's grandfather
What is the bassoon?
The smallest woodwind instrument
What is the piccolo?
The Jackson Five saw this relative kissing Santa Claus
Who is Mommy?
This type of note receives 1 1/2 beats of sound
What is a dotted quarter note?
Chim Chim Cher-ee
A Spoonful of Sugar
What is "Mary Poppins?"
What are French horns?
Bigger than a violin, smaller than a cello
What is a viola?
Guess the title: Let the frozen precipitation begin
What is "Let It Snow?"
This type of note receives 3 beats of sound
What is a dotted half note?
Be Our Guest
What is "Beauty and the Beast?"
What are the strings?
This instrument originated in Scotland
What are bagpipes?
Guess the title: Put Christmas decorations in the corridor
What is "Deck the Halls?"