This note has a value of 1/2 beat.
Eighth Note
What does the dot do when added to a note?
adds half of the note value to it
How many hearts does an octopus have?
Three hearts
What is a time signature?
It is something at the beginning of our music that tells us how many beats are in the measure and the value of them.
This contains all of the notes in a given piece of music.
The staff
This note has a value of 1 beat.
What's the value of two eighth notes that are barred together?
1 beat
What is the only English word that ends with "mt"?
This time signature has two beats per measure with the quarter note receiving the value of the beat.
2/4 time signature
This divides the measures in a piece of music.
This note has a value of 2 beats.
Half Note
What is the value of a dotted whole note?
6 beats
What is the only digit that has the same number of letters?
What's the most common time signature?
4/4 time signature, It is also called common time
This clef is also known as the "G" clef because it wraps around the "G" line.
The Treble Clef
This note has a value of 3 beats.
Dotted Half Note
How do you count a whole measure of eighth notes in 4/4 time?
1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and
What is the strongest muscle in the human body?
The tongue.
This time signature has three beats per measure with the quarter note receiving the value of the beat.
3/4 time signature
This clef is also called the "F" clef because the dotes on the clef are located on either side of the "F" line.
The Bass Clef
This note has a value of 4 beats.
Whole Note
How many beats does a dotted quarter note get?
1 1/2
What is the rarest blood type?
AB negative
This time signature has 4 beats per measure with the quarter note getting the value of the beat.
4/4 time signature
This is something that is placed at the beginning of or music and looks like a fraction.
Time Signature