What is softly in Italian Musical Definition
What is Piano
What does lento mean
What is slowly
What does Sostenuto mean
What does accel mean in Musical Definitions
What is Accelerando
What does loud mean in music
What is Forte
What does Moderato mean in English
What is Moderately
What does Maestoso mean
Who is a Conductor
What does mp stand for
What is Mezzopiano
What is Fortepiano
What is the term that means less quickly in Italian Musical Definitions
What is Meno Mosso
What does simile mean
What is repeat last bar
What is the symbol for Sostenuto
What is sost
What is a crescendo
What is gradual increase in volume
What does Allargando mean
What is fuller in tone
What does Cantabile mean
What is Performing singing style
What is the symbol for very softly
What is pp
What Musical Definition also means Decrescendo
What is Diminuendo
What is very similar in definition to Rallentando
What is Ritardando
What does Fermata mean
A pause of unspecific length
What is the symbol for Tenuto
What is _