a relatively slow, moderately paced tune.
What is Adante?
Short and choppy
what is staccato
soft or quiet
What is Piano
lower in pitch.
a relatively fast pace and in a bright and merry manner.
to hold or sustain a note for its full length.
What is tenuto
a gradual increase in the volume of music
What is Crescendo
played without separation
performed at a moderate pace, neither too fast nor too slow.
What is Moderato?
to gradually slow a song's pace.
what is Ritardando
a gradual decrease in the volume of music
What is Decrescendo
an emphasis, stress, or stronger attack placed on a particular note or set of notes, or chord
the speed of a given section or piece of music.
What is tempo?
how quietly or loudly a piece of music should be played.
What is Dynamics
gradually faster
a curved line connecting the heads of two notes of the same pitch
A specific way a note is played
What is articulation
What is Forte
a pitch that is higher
a set of sharp (♯), flat (♭), or rarely, natural (♮) symbols placed on the staff at the beginning of a section of music.
Key Signature