This note gets one beat
What is a quarter note
A thick line, a thin line, and :
What is a repeat
What is a loud volume
What is 2/4 time
What is a sharp
This note gets 1/2 of a beat
What is an eighth note
A repeat sign can go back to the beginning or
What is a facing repeat sign
What is a soft volume
What is 3/4 time
What is a bow reset
This rest looks like a straw hat
What is a whole rest
Two measures, separated by a repeat sign, with a 1. and 2.
What is a first and second ending
Mezzo Forte
What is medium loud volume
What is 7/8 time
What is an up-bow
When you add a whole note, half note, and eighth note together
What is 6.5
D.S. al Coda
What is go back to the sign and play until the coda
What is gradually get louder
The top number
What is the beats per measure
What is a staccato
A dot does this to a note
What is adds half the value of the note
D.C. al Coda
What is go back to the beginning and play until the coda
What is gradually get softer
The bottom number
What is the note that gets the beat
What is an accent