Where was Muhammad born?
What 2 religions share similar beliefs
Judaism and Christianity
What form of math did they create?
Who was the first to spread Islam
What is Scooby Doo's best friend's name
What was the name of the angel Mahaoud spoke to
What did all of these religions believe in
One true god
What did the development of astronomy do for the Muslims
Helps with trade as it provided navigation
What is the important monument that Muslims pray to
The Ka'aba
Who lives in a pineapple under the sea
Sponge Bob Square Pants
What did Muhammad call later rulers
True or false, Christianity shares similar dietary rules to Islam
What art form was known for its handwriting
Name four caliphates
Rashidun, Umayyad, Abbasid, Fatimid, Ottoman, Sharifian,
Finish the lyrics: You are my fire ____
Who did Mahamoud believe spoke to him through Gabriel?
The god Allah
Where did all of these religions originated from
The Middle East
Who wrote the Comprehensive Book about medicine
What were the two groups that split after the Umayyads ideas were adopted?
The Sunni and Shi'a
Choose one, if you win you get the question right: Rock, paper, scissors
What was the name of the migration Mohammad took to get to the town of Kathrine.
The Hijrah
What do Muslims refer to Christians and Jews as
People of the book
A learning center opened in Baghdad which was a combination of a library, an academy, and was called
House of Wisdom
In 661 AD, after Ali was assassinated, what family came to power?
The Umayyads
What strange reason is Donald Duck banned in Finland
He never wore pants