Sultans/Empire/Golden Age
Major religions
Spread of Islam to South and Southeast Asia

What are some of the major accomplishments of the Islamic Golden Age?

1. Algebra (Mathematics)

2. Astronomy/Camera Obscura (Sciences & Innovations) 


What are the similarities AND differences between Judaism, Christianity, and Islam?

Similarities: They are all Abrahamic & monotheistic religions.

Differences: They have different ancient/religious texts & they have different beliefs based on Jesus Christ.


What was the goal of the Reconquista?

To drive out muslims from Spain


What does it mean to become dhimmis?

It means to not be muslim in Ottoman Territory


What are the accomplishments of Suleiman?

1. He reformed and created a single legal code 

2. Reworked the text system 

3. Built schools  and supported arts 


What is the major differences between Hinduism and Buddhism?

Hinduism believes in reincarnation and the goal is to achieve liberation of rebirth, while Buddhism believes we cause our own suffering and the goal is to achieve Nirvana.


What did the spanish and portuguese think of muslims?

They saw them as outsiders


The majority of the inhabitants in the Muslim territory were what?

Hindus although Muslims were most of the people with rulership


What were the accomplishments of Mehmed II?

1. Made Istanbul a trade center

2. He welcomed different forms of arts and literature 

3. Created a uniform system of law


What are each of the 5 Pillars of Islam? 

1.  Shahadah or The Declaration of Faith; Muslim recites “There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his prophet.” They accept it as true and will follow all of the commitments of Islam.

2.  Salat or Prayer; Muslims are expected to pray five times a day while facing Mecca.

3. Zakat-charity or almsgiving; Each year Muslims are expected to give 2.5% of their wages to charity. This giving is a form of worship and self-purification. This practice frees them from clinging to possessions and greed.

4. Ramadan or Sawm; For the first 29 days Muslims are expected to fast giving up food or drink from dawn till dusk. They view Sawm as obedience to God and learn self-discipline to become spiritually stronger.

5. Hajj; Muslims, who are able, are required to make the pilgrimage, to Mecca and surrounding holy sites at least once in their lives. This ritual promotes the bonds of Islam.


What were 3 major influences of Roman culture had on the "Hispania"?

1. Roman Law

2. Roman Religion

3. Roman Language


Muslims and Hindus had conflict (True or False?)



What religion was spreading from Medina to Northern Africa, then to Spain after the fall of the Roman Empire?

The religion of Islam


How did the Reconquista end?

Castile & Aragon united with the marriage of Ferdinand and Isabella to create the kingdom of Spain.
