Showing an ability to understand and share the feelings of another.
What is empathetic?
An NBA star whose picture is framed in Room 413
Who is Kobe Bryant?
The appropriate time to use a hall pass.
What is in an emergency?
An 8th Grade US History teacher.
Who is Mr. Masen?
Spiderman's government name.
Who is Peter Parker?
having an obligation to do something, or having control over or care for someone, as part of one's job or role.
What is responsible?
This movie is featured on a poster behind Mr. Saranen's desk
What is Lord of the Rings?
The appropriate time to have snacks in class.
What is Roundup & The first 15 minutes of 1st hour?
A 7th Grade Science teacher who runs social media club.
Who is Mrs. Wyatt?
You throw this disc outside and have a catch with friends.
What is a frisbee?
giving or rendering aid or assistance; of service
What is helpful?
The correct amount of tissues to pull from the tissue box.
What is one?
Things you need to bring to school every day.
What is ID & Yondr Pouch?
A former student teacher and friend of Mr. Saranen's who now teaches Geography in 6th grade.
Who is Mr. Paschall?
The mascot for Avondale High School.
What is a yellowjacket?
Relentlessly compelled by the need to accomplish a goal.
What is Driven?
This decade commonly used the slang term "holla" and saw the rise of music stars Eminem & Rihanna.
What is the 2000s?
You get one of these if you are misbehaving in class.
What is a check/check sheet?
Head of the media center & technology assistance at AMS.
Who is Mr. Crowl?
The capital of Michigan.
What is Lansing?
____________ the HERD!
What is respect?
The critical thinking skill that has to do with developing opinions, judgements, or decisions.
What is evaluation?
You will spend time with this person if you happen to be on ISS.
Who is Ms. Locker?
6th grade Geography teacher who used to teach 8th Grade US History & Math.
Who is Mr. Belles?
This sport is played on ice with a heavy, circular object being slid across the ice.
What is curling?