What side of the hallway to we travel down?
Right side
What classroom number are you?
8D (23) 8E (22)
How many people are allowed outside the classroom at a time?
1 - with permission (sign out)
Blank paper/lined paper
White bin at Mme's desk
When do you need to be in class at the start of the day?
When you arrive (be in class) before the second bell.
How should we be travelling down the hall?
Quietly and walking
What should your volume level be in class?
Task dependent, but yelling is never an option.
Middle Door
Stapler and tape
with Mme
Mme. Peabody/Mme. Mitchell
Is the hallway a place to hang out?
3 - with permission during class & DEAR
Which door do you go through to get to Mme. Peabody from room 22?
Main door to hallway
Art Supplies
White cupboard
If you have a question about an assignment, who do you ask? How?
The teacher of that assignment. In person or Teams.
What is a good reason we would be travelling in the hall?
Walking to next class, talking to a teacher, going to get water, going to the washroom, all with teacher permission.
Where are you supposed to sit?
True or False: If the teacher is teaching, you just walk in to get what you need.
Outside hall, large calender, on the HUB wall
Where can you find due dates and info about assignments?
Homework board, on the large calender, Teams.
Why would "getting a class supply" from your locker not be a good reason to be in the hall?
Because you should already have it with you!
When Mme is speaking you are....
In what condition do we leave the classroom?
Nothing on the floor, all supplies with us (including books), chairs tucked in.
Your supplies for class
with YOU! (not in your locker.)
When does DEAR start?