Move cane from side to side so it makes a sound when it hits the ground.
What is touch technique?
There is no sound of moving cars
What is "all quiet"?
The sun is on my right cheek so I am facing this direction.
What is North?
Which bus is this? Where is an empty seat? Will you tell me when we get to my stop?
Northwest, Southwest, Northeast, Southeast
What are the quadrants of Washington DC?
What are intercardinal directions?
Hold my cane angled in front of my body at a street corner to let cars know I am ready to cross
What is Diagonal Position?
the raised bumps at the bottom of ramps leading into the street
What are truncated domes?
I am facing East I make one turn to the right and face this direction
What is South
Google Maps, Apple Maps, Waze
What are smartphone Map apps?
Numbered Streets in Washington DC
What goes East and West?
The cane tip always touches the ground while you move it side to side.
What is constant contact?
The traffic sound you use to cross at a light controlled intersection.
What is the nearest parallel surge?
Which direction do you walk from the Capitol building to get to the White House?
What is west?
Good person to ask for help
Who is the bus driver?
Streets that run diagonally in Washington DC
What are State Streets?
Technique used to find an intersecting sidewalk
What is Shorelining
The talking and vibrating speaker that tells you when the walk sign is on
What is an Accessible Pedestrian Signal?
The Sun rises here
What is East?
Seats at the front of the bus for Seniors and people with disabilities.
What is reserved seating?
What is GPS?
The distance my cane needs to move during its arc of travel.
What is shoulder to shoulder?
A noisy lawnmower is so loud you can't hear the cars at the intersection
What is a masking sound?
This direction is between North and west
What is Northwest?
Cash, MetroAccess Card, and Smart Trip card
What is pay the bus fare?
What is a person who makes maps?