Where in the Mx Portal can the Mx view deliveries?
Orders tab
Which section can you view temporary and permanent deactivations?
Deactivations Section
What can you click in Dispatch to easily access the Mx's MINT page?
Store name
What two ways can we interact with a post?
Emoji react and comment
Where can Mx's view the status of a payout?
Financials tab
Will orders send to the Mx's contact email?
No. They send to any email in the "Email" field, not the "Contact" field.
When will orders no longer show in dispatch when using the search bar?
After 30 days.
What is the difference between a channel with a lock and a channel with a # in front of the name?
Lock is private, # is public
When editing store hours, what are we really editing the hours for?
The menu
Store and Business: Which is primarily external and which is primarily internal facing?
Store: Internal
Business: External
Which section can we find any delivery confirmation pictures?
Timeline section
What step can you take in Slack before submitting a help request in order to find an answer to your question?
Slack search
They must contact support to add other admins.
Which photo appears as the Merchant's logo in MINT?
Cover Square Image
What field shows confirms if a Mx delivers their own orders?
Fulfills own deliveries
Can you post anything in Phone a Friend?
No. You can only post Support Help Requests.