Adult Life
Physical Activity

What classes did I struggle with in the beginning of the year? 

MATH- specifically struggling to study for quizzes 

APES- Mostly the workload and having the motivation to read out of a textbook and study


what are some of my goals for preparing for adult life?

- looking into colleges

- saving money for expenses

- exploring interests to study in college

- travel travel travel


What were some of my goals in the beginning of the year for creativity?

- I wanted to continue reading and trying new activities like crocheting and embroidery


What are some of my previous goals for community?

Some of my previous goals for being an active community member included, volunteering, and applying for an officer position in ASB.


What have I been doing for exercise this year?

YOGA! I have been doing it for a year now


What are my goals this year for math and APES? How have I done this?

I began studying with flash cards and with friends. For AP environmental science I bought a text book to study for my final AP exam as well as for Literature.  


What were some of my previous goals from fall?

- To travel to Argentina and practice spanish

- To maintain a job and license 

- Have a major in mind to study in college


Have I maintained these goals?

Yes! I have been reading a lot lately for my literature class and it has motivated me to start reading on my own time as well. Currently I am reading "Beautiful Boy" by David Sheff. I am taking an embroidery class for my seventh period, for the secon time this year, and have made a few new projects.


Have I succeeded in these goals?

Yes! I have been in ASB for the past four years and have volunteered at our Farm to Fork fundraiser for school. 


What were some of my previous fitness goals from fall?

- To continue yoga and palates

- Go to the gym

- Eat well

- Start running again


What classes have I excelled in? What have I struggled in?

Strengths: AP Literature, Spanish

Struggles: Algebra 2 and AP Environmental Science

Spanish has been my favorite class along with Literature, because I love love practicing spanish and writing. 


What was one new independent study I did this year?

Traveling and staying in Argentina for a month 🤫

This was a very new experience I had been wanting to do for a few years, and was such a good opportunity to see the country and my family as well as practice and learn Spanish. Because I was very nervous about going, I'm so grateful it ended up being a highlight of my year.


What are some new goals for creativity?

Some new goals of mine are to get better at cooking and baking and try other new activities


What will my senior project be? 

Organizing and running next year's Farm To Fork with a few other seniors. I decided to do this for my senior project, because I really enjoyed helping and participating in it this past year. 


Have I stuck to this goal?

For the most part yes! I love hot yoga and want to go to palates more often. I do not go to the gym, but would like to go more often, as palates is very expensive. Yoga I will continue doing, along with either the gym or a palates membership. I have stopped running but would like to start again too. I believe I have been eating healthy and have a good relationship with exercising regularly. 


What classes did I take this year? which AP classes?

AP Literature, AP Environmental Science, Algebra 2, Gov/Econ, Spanish 3 & Study hall


How long have I worked at Citrone for? Will I get a new job?


Though I've been wanting to stop for most of that year, I am so happy I stuck with it! It's good practice and does help me financially to be responsible. However during summer I am hoping to try out a new job as well. 


What have I struggled with creativity?

I think I could have put in more effort in presenting projects in different ways or even smaller things like adding more color and depth to projects. 


What are some of my new goals for community?

Some of my goals for next year are to continue volunteering and supporting grove. I hope to help fundraise for events we may hold for students. 


What is one new exercise I would like to try?

TENNIS! I have played a few times with friends and love playing, I just don't play often enough. This summer I am hoping to take basic classes and play with my friends and family from there. 


What was one new type of studying strategy I started to do better in math?

Math tutoring

reading out of textbooks to study for my ap exams

studying with friends


What am I planning to study in college?


I think eventually that law would be an interesting field, however working with children in pediatrics is also something I am considering. 


What was one of my projects where I showed creativity?

For one of my projects towards the beginning of the year, we were able to present our items about Argentina through cooking, making a video, or a game. For mine, I decided to make alfajores for the first time, and it ended up being really fun and interactive. 


What officer position will I be running for next year in ASB?

Secretary or PR 🤗


New fitness goals??

To stay healthy and play school sports like volleyball and track !
