Define quiver.
Who's perspective was this novel written in?
The Mothers perspective.
What did the daughter say she was in the beginning of the novel?
She said she was a racist?
Who was the daughter racist against?
She was racist against soldiers.
What did the daughter to do her hair in the beginning or the novel and why?
She cut her hair in order to fit in with the young boys.
Define Rubble
Waste or rough fragments of stone, brick, concrete, etc.
Where does the family live?
What happened to the young widow who talked back all the time and looked haughtily at the men?
She was stoned.
What did the daughter do to the truck?
She threw stones at the truck.
How old was the daughter?
8 years old.
Define scrawny
A person unattractively thin and bony.
Who's a dynamic character?
The daughter.
What did the husband do while he was alive? What was his profession?
He was a University professor and he read a lot of books and spoke several languages and read news from other countries.
What do the soldiers do that make the other people hate them do much?
They are very aggressive and point their guns at people especially young men.
What happened to the father?
Father died due to a bomb.
Define Shunned
Persistently avoided or ignored.
Who was a static character?
The mother in law.
How many times did Bilal ask the mother to marry her?
three times.
How did the daughter feel about the soldier towards the end of the novel?
She grew an attachment with the soldier and enjoyed talking to him and his visits.
Who is Bilal?
He is a man who has been bothering the mother to marry her since she came to the village?
Define wailed
Pain, grief, or anger.
What was the resolution to the daughter feeling depressed after the soldier left and never came back?
The mother told her that the soldier left because he went to another place to make that place friendly.
What was the soldier wearing incorrectly?
He was wearing the Keffiyeh incorrectly.
What did the Mother do that possibly made the soldier never some back?
She wrote a hideous letter.
How is Noura and what was her role in the novel?
She was a woman who convinced the mother to not trust the soldier which led the mother to write the letter?